Jesus: The Presence of CHRISTmas // December 15th 2024 // Pastor Kevin Burrows // VWC
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In today's message, Pastor Kevin Burrows teaches on "Jesus: The Presence of CHRISTmas." Christmas marks the fulfillment of God's redemptive plan to restore what was lost through the first Adam by the second Adam, Jesus Christ.
Key Points:
- The Story of Christmas begins with the fall of man in the Garden of Eden
- Adam's sin introduced separation from God, death and brokenness into the world.
- Christmas is about God stepping into history to break the curse of sin.
- The Promise of Redemption After the Fall:
- It shall bruise thy head": Refers to the Ultimate Defeat of Satan and his power through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
- "Thou shalt bruise his heel": This indicates that Satan would inflict harm on the "seed of the woman," but it would not be fatal.
- Jesus Christ, the Anointed One and His Anointing, came to utterly destroy the power of sin and death.
- Celebrate Christmas as the fulfillment of God’s plan to redeem humanity and restore fellowship with Him.
- The Purpose of Christ’s Coming:
- Adam’s sin introduced death and condemnation to all humanity, but Christ’s coming brought salvation and restoration.
- Jesus is the "second Adam," reversing the curse of the first Adam through His obedience and sacrifice.
- Recognize that CHRISTmas is about God sending His Son to bridge the gap between humanity and Himself, offering eternal life.
- The Presence of Christ as God’s Solution:
- Jesus, God in the flesh, came to live among us to restore what Adam’s sin destroyed—intimacy with God.
- Where Adam brought death, Christ’s presence and sacrifice bring life and hope for all who believe.
- Embrace the gift of Christ’s Presence as the solution to sin and death, providing abundant and eternal life.
- This Christmas, reflect on how Christ’s coming fulfilled God’s promise to redeem humanity.
- Celebrate the restoration of God’s presence in your life through Christ, the "second Adam."
Key Scriptures:
- Jeremiah 10:1-5
- Matthew 1:18-23
- Genesis 3:15
- Romans 5:12, 18-19
- John 1:14
- 1 Corinthians 15:22
- Colossians 2:15
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